The Ana Maron Dream Big Education Scholarship

The Ana Maron Dream Big Education Scholarship for Single Parents offers scholarships to *single parents who are returning to college and enrolled full time at Las Positas College and plans to transfer to a 4 year university in search of their first Bachelor’s Degree. Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher. Student may have unmet financial need. Must be US Citizen or Legal Resident.

• Marital status: You’re single (never married, widowed, divorced, legally separated*) or you’re married but living apart and your divorce will be final by the time the scholarship is awarded.*
• Parenting Status: You’re the custodial parent or guardian with physical custody (50% or more) of at least one dependent child. A dependent child is 18 or younger, older than 18 and still in high school, or a severely disabled adult living with and dependent on you.*
• Living status: You’re the only adult in the home with the child(ren), you live with parents or relative(s), or you live with a roommate who is not your partner, significant other, or a co-parent.*

2 $2,000.00 awards
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a single parent?
  2. Please explain your current circumstances and obstacles you have overcome.
  3. Explain the advantage for returning to school and what would you like to achieve at LPC.
  4. Where do you see yourself after graduating with a 4 year degree?
  5. How will this scholarship help you with your current studies and activities, and with attaining future plans and goals?